Easiest Way to Cook Tasty Homemade paneer
Homemade paneer.
You be responsible heating scorch Homemade paneer proving 2 procedure along with 3 so. Here you are make it.
modus operandi of Homemade paneer
- You need 2 liters of milk.
- Prepare 1/2 cup of sour yogurt/ 1 big lemon juice.
Homemade paneer gradually
- Take a heavy bottom vessel boil milk in it.. Once the mil starts to boil add lemon juice to it.. Milk will start separating water...
- Once it's done transfer it in a muslin cloth and wash it nicely with water...
- After washing it remove the excess water cover it with that cloth only and keep it aside so that it can form a shape for half an hour.. Home made paneer is ready...