Recipe: Tasty Honey and Mustard Glazed Ham with Roasted Veg and Gravy


Honey and Mustard Glazed Ham with Roasted Veg and Gravy.

Honey and Mustard Glazed Ham with Roasted Veg and Gravy You conclude broiling fricassee Honey and Mustard Glazed Ham with Roasted Veg and Gravy proving 12 program together with 10 furthermore. Here is how you get there.

technique of Honey and Mustard Glazed Ham with Roasted Veg and Gravy

  1. Prepare of unsmoked ham joint.
  2. It's of potatoes (skins on or off ur choice).
  3. It's of parsnips.
  4. You need of carrots.
  5. It's of onion.
  6. Prepare of honey.
  7. You need of mustard (which ever u prefer. I like mild so I used dijon).
  8. You need of of mixed herbs.
  9. It's of bay leaves.
  10. It's of veg stock or the water left over from steamed veg.
  11. You need of big pinch of cracked black pepper.
  12. You need of cooking oil.

Honey and Mustard Glazed Ham with Roasted Veg and Gravy individually

  1. cover the ham in water and add the pepper and herbs. boil for 2 hours turning every half hour and check the water level doesn't drop below half way.
  2. drain of the ham and place in a tray with aluminium foil loosely on top. bake for half hour at 200°c. keep 150ml of the water the ham is cooked in.
  3. peel the carrots and parsnips and chop up chuncky the same size as the potatoes. do the same with the onions (peeled of course).
  4. after the ham has been in the oven for half hour remove foil, rotate and add the veg around the ham in the tray and drizzle the veg with 3 tbsp of the oil. place back in the oven for another half hour.
  5. mix the honey, 1 tbsp of oil and the mustard together. with a pastry brush or just rub with the back of a teaspoon, drizzle over the top of the ham and rub all over.
  6. mix the veg around (with a little bit more honey if u like) and put back in the oven for 15 more minutes.
  7. remove and cover the ham to rest and crisp up the veg or reduce the temp on the oven if they are already to your liking.
  8. after emptying the tray of everything, add the veg water and ham stock and mix around on the hob using a fork or spatula to bring up the sticky bits from the bottom. I cheat and use gravy granules to thicken (bisto chicken granules) and remove from heat. stir until smooth.
  9. I served mine with green beans (used the leftover water in the gravy).
  10. and of course the leftover ham is for my sandwiches tomorrow with either apple sauce or mustard.


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