Recipe: Delicious Smoked Paprika + Fresh Rosemary Chicken with Saffron-Bacon-Mushrooms-Red Onions Cream Sauce

Smoked Paprika + Fresh Rosemary Chicken with Saffron-Bacon-Mushrooms-Red Onions Cream Sauce.

Smoked Paprika + Fresh Rosemary Chicken with Saffron-Bacon-Mushrooms-Red Onions Cream Sauce You perform browning panfry Smoked Paprika + Fresh Rosemary Chicken with Saffron-Bacon-Mushrooms-Red Onions Cream Sauce applying 14 receipt as well as 3 so. Here you are do the trick.

modus operandi of Smoked Paprika + Fresh Rosemary Chicken with Saffron-Bacon-Mushrooms-Red Onions Cream Sauce

  1. Prepare of Chicken Marinate.
  2. You need of Smoked Paprika.
  3. It's of Garlic Powder.
  4. Prepare of Light Soy Sauce.
  5. It's of Cajun Powder.
  6. You need of Seasoning (Salt&Pepper).
  7. It's of Fresh Rosemary.
  8. You need of Chicken Breasts.
  9. It's of Creamy Sauce.
  10. It's of Jumbo Mushroom (finely chopped).
  11. You need of Medium Sized Red Onions(finely chopped).
  12. It's of Saffron.
  13. It's of Seasoning (Salt&Pepper).
  14. Prepare of Lemon (whole zest & 1/2 juice)-optional.

Smoked Paprika + Fresh Rosemary Chicken with Saffron-Bacon-Mushrooms-Red Onions Cream Sauce modus operandi

  1. Marinate the chicken(a drizzle of oil)and leave to stand at room temp for 15 mins. Heat up a Tbsp of oil and the seat for 10-15mins. Then in preheated oven(@200’C) for another 10-15mins. Leave to rest for 3 mins before serving.
  2. Meanwhile prep the ingredients for sauce. Heat a small amount of butter. Sauté the mushrooms onions and bacon(cooked and chopped) for about 5mins. (Add lemon if desired at this stage) Add double cream and reduce slightly. Then add saffron and reduce to desired consistency. Caramelised small onions rings(optional)..
  3. Serving suggestion.


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