Recipe: Perfect Ayam Masak Hitam. Zen Chicken by Zaleha kadir Olpin 😘


Ayam Masak Hitam. Zen Chicken by Zaleha kadir Olpin 😘.

Ayam Masak Hitam. Zen Chicken by Zaleha kadir Olpin 😘 You arrange steaming broil Ayam Masak Hitam. Zen Chicken by Zaleha kadir Olpin 😘 proving 19 prescription as well as 9 furthermore. Here is how you make hay.

receipt of Ayam Masak Hitam. Zen Chicken by Zaleha kadir Olpin 😘

  1. It's 450 g of Chicken breast cut into Strips.
  2. It's 1/4 Tsp of salt.
  3. Prepare 1 tsp of Turmeric powder.
  4. Prepare 250 of mils veg oil.
  5. You need 1 of tspTamarind juice.
  6. You need 1 tsp of honey.
  7. It's 2 tbls of ketchup.
  8. Prepare 4 tbls of Sweet soy sauce.
  9. Prepare 5 of kaffir lime leavesthinly sliced.
  10. Prepare 1 of medium white onion peeled and sliced.
  11. Prepare of Spice taste.............
  12. It's 8 of shallots peeled.
  13. You need 4 Cloves of Garlic peeled.
  14. Prepare 4 tbls of dried chilli paste.
  15. You need Knob of ginger peeled and sliced thinly.
  16. It's 2 Stalks of lemon grass white part only + Roughly chopped.
  17. You need 2 of Candlenuts (sub Almond nuts).
  18. Prepare 1 of large white onion peeled and cut into Quarters.
  19. Prepare 250 of mils water.

Ayam Masak Hitam. Zen Chicken by Zaleha kadir Olpin 😘 separately

  1. Ingredients.
  2. .
  3. Add all the ingredients for the spice paste in a blender and process until fine.
  4. Coat the Chicken strips with Tumeric and salt and leave for 15 minutes set aside..
  5. Heat the oil in the wok over a medium heat and add gently lowe the chicken strips in the oil, make in batches fry until browned and crisp. Drain off and set aside..
  6. Add 3 tbls veg oil to the wok and reheat. Add the spice paste and keep stirring until oil seperates if its becoming dry add a little water. Takes about 30 minutes..
  7. Next add the 1 tbls Tamarind juice, then the honey, ketchup, sweet soy sauce continue to stir for 5 minutes this should be thick and sticky..
  8. Add kaffir lime leaves and chicken strips stir to mix taste if the taste and adjust the taste if needed..
  9. Turn up the heat and add the onion coat it for 1 minute. Ready to serve. With rice or veg /Salad.


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