Recipe: Appetizing Overnight Chai and Almonds vegan Pudding

Overnight Chai and Almonds vegan Pudding.

Overnight Chai and Almonds vegan Pudding You finish steeping devil Overnight Chai and Almonds vegan Pudding proving 6 receipt so 3 so. Here you are pull off.

technique of Overnight Chai and Almonds vegan Pudding

  1. You need 50 gm of Chai seeds.
  2. It's 30 of gmToasted Almonds.
  3. Prepare 30 ml of agave.
  4. You need 40 gm of mix Berries.
  5. You need 20 gm of grated coconut.
  6. Prepare 100 ml of Almond milk.

Overnight Chai and Almonds vegan Pudding in succession

  1. Mix agave, Chai seeds and almond milk in clip jar. Keep over night.
  2. Garnish with coconut, Berries and almonds..
  3. Serve chilled..


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