Easiest Way to Make Delicious My Roast Chicken and Veg Oven Bake in Virgin Olive oil

My Roast Chicken and Veg Oven Bake in Virgin Olive oil.

My Roast Chicken and Veg Oven Bake in Virgin Olive oil You fix browning microwave My Roast Chicken and Veg Oven Bake in Virgin Olive oil working 9 procedure as a consequence 10 together with. Here you go achieve.

method of My Roast Chicken and Veg Oven Bake in Virgin Olive oil

  1. Prepare of chicken breast cut into lengths.
  2. Prepare of Olive oil.
  3. You need of carrot cut into thin lengths.
  4. You need of Roast pepper cut into lengths.
  5. You need of Some Mangetout or Peas.
  6. It's of Garlic cloves crushed.
  7. You need of mixed pepper.
  8. You need of Dried Basil.
  9. You need of salt and black pepper.

My Roast Chicken and Veg Oven Bake in Virgin Olive oil technique

  1. Add the pepper amd onions to the oven dish.
  2. Next all the carrots.
  3. Add the mangetout.
  4. Chop your Chicken.
  5. Add the chicken to a frying pan with a little olive oil and fry just until its coloured.
  6. Add the chicken to the oven dish add all the seasons all over the dish and salt and pepper.
  7. Next pour the virgin olive oil over the lot cover and add to the preheated oven..
  8. After 15 minutes remove the lid or foil and carry on cooking. Turn some of the veg and chicken over.
  9. Add back to the oven without a lid and cook for a further 25 minutes..
  10. Serve Hot.


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