Recipe: Perfect My banana and nutella French toast

My banana and nutella French toast.

My banana and nutella French toast You get ready steaming percolate My banana and nutella French toast applying 8 ingredients along with 5 including. Here you are achieve.

modus operandi of My banana and nutella French toast

  1. Prepare of bread (I used a gluten free bread).
  2. It's of egg.
  3. You need of milk.
  4. You need of vanilla essence.
  5. Prepare of oil.
  6. It's of Nob of butter.
  7. You need of banana sliced.
  8. Prepare of nutella.

My banana and nutella French toast compound

  1. In a bowl add your egg milk and vanilla and whisk together.
  2. Add bread and coat on both sides.
  3. Add your oil and butter into a pan and melt then add your bread.
  4. Cook on both sides until golden. In the meantime slice up a banana and melt your nutella in the fridge on medium heat for 30 sec increments in the microwave.
  5. Remove from pan when cooked top with banana slices and add your nutella on top, enjoy!.


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