Recipe: Yummy Vickys Creamy Chicken & Veg Soup + Vegan Option GF DF EF SF NF

Vickys Creamy Chicken & Veg Soup + Vegan Option GF DF EF SF NF.

Vickys Creamy Chicken & Veg Soup + Vegan Option GF DF EF SF NF You complete sizzling percolate Vickys Creamy Chicken & Veg Soup + Vegan Option GF DF EF SF NF working 10 compound and 4 moreover. Here you go take care of.

modus operandi of Vickys Creamy Chicken & Veg Soup + Vegan Option GF DF EF SF NF

  1. You need of large diced carrots.
  2. It's of diced white potatos.
  3. It's of large broccoli head.
  4. Prepare of chopped onion.
  5. It's of chopped leek.
  6. Prepare of sweetcorn.
  7. Prepare of garden peas.
  8. It's of vegetable stock.
  9. It's of chicken stock or more veggie stock.
  10. You need of chicken breast fillet or soaked haricot beans.

Vickys Creamy Chicken & Veg Soup + Vegan Option GF DF EF SF NF procedure

  1. Put everything in a soup pan and bring to boil. Boil for half an hour then take off the heat.
  2. Let stand and cool a little bit with lid on, remove the chicken and shred it.
  3. Puree 3/4 of the soup and stir the shredded chicken back in.
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can leave the chicken out and the soup will still be as lovely if you only use vegetable stock. Use a tin of haricot beans in it's place. Blend the soup then add the beans in to heat through.


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